- Acoustic, Noise and Vibration
- Silencers
- Mufflers
- Noise Control Enclosures
- Noise Barrier
- Noise Absorption and Reverberation Control
- Acoustic Doors
- Acoustic Windows
- Acoustic Louvers
- Acoustic Cable Boxes
- Acoustic Blankets and Acoustic Pipe Cladding
- Anechoic and Semi Anechoic chambers
- Acoustic Turning Vanes
- Aerodynamic Improvement Products
- Dispersion and Pollution Control Products

VG Engineering offers a range of intake and exhaust silencer weather hoods; fabricated from galvanized steel, stainless steel or aluminum with finishes to suit customer requirements.
Various configurations for round and rectangular silencers of all sizes are available with all necessary support and interface components.
Designs optimize airflow, offer maximum weather protection and acoustic attenuation.
Weather hoods can incorporate dampers, louvers, bird screens, filter systems; multistage, self-cleaning and replaceable elements to suit the customer application on new and existing silencer systems.