- Acoustic, Noise and Vibration
- Silencers
- Mufflers
- Noise Control Enclosures
- Noise Barrier
- Noise Absorption and Reverberation Control
- Acoustic Doors
- Acoustic Windows
- Acoustic Louvers
- Acoustic Cable Boxes
- Acoustic Blankets and Acoustic Pipe Cladding
- Anechoic and Semi Anechoic chambers
- Acoustic Turning Vanes
- Aerodynamic Improvement Products
- Dispersion and Pollution Control Products

This type of silencer is a combination of the previous two. A hybrid muffler can consist of a number of configurations to remove lower and mid-range sound frequencies.
For example, the outer cylinder maybe lined internally with an acoustic media to improve sound absorption and transmission through the casing, the resonator tubes maybe lined to aid attenuation or a resonator type muffle could be in series with a reactive silence.
The configuration depends upon the customer requirements and the best configuration to meet the acoustic, aerodynamic and physical requirements.
Available with various configurations of end and side inlets and outlets.