- Acoustic, Noise and Vibration
- Silencers
- Mufflers
- Noise Control Enclosures
- Noise Barrier
- Noise Absorption and Reverberation Control
- Acoustic Doors
- Acoustic Windows
- Acoustic Louvers
- Acoustic Cable Boxes
- Acoustic Blankets and Acoustic Pipe Cladding
- Anechoic and Semi Anechoic chambers
- Acoustic Turning Vanes
- Aerodynamic Improvement Products
- Dispersion and Pollution Control Products

Test cell jet engine exhaust silencers are constructed for reliable, long life operation under arduous conditions. Silencer configurations optimize pressure drop, flow velocity and acoustic performance using construction methods and materials suited to the thermal environments particular to each application. We offer silencers designed for high by-pass turbo fan, afterburning jet engines, turbo-shaft and turbo-prop engines. Our silencers are fabricated for easy installation on new, retrofit, refurbishment and up-grade projects. Silencers are constructed to suit air–cooled and water cooled jet engine exhaust systems.