- Acoustic, Noise and Vibration
- Silencers
- Mufflers
- Noise Control Enclosures
- Noise Barrier
- Noise Absorption and Reverberation Control
- Acoustic Doors
- Acoustic Windows
- Acoustic Louvers
- Acoustic Cable Boxes
- Acoustic Blankets and Acoustic Pipe Cladding
- Anechoic and Semi Anechoic chambers
- Acoustic Turning Vanes
- Aerodynamic Improvement Products
- Dispersion and Pollution Control Products

VG Engineering Type E3 Small Acoustic Enclosures are provided to contain the noise of smaller equipment or partial areas of larger machines.
These sound enclosures typically incorporate access doors, ventilation silencers and viewing points as required for the operation and maintenance of the enclosed equipment.
Typical applications include:
- Medium size pumps
- Power units
- Fans
- Compressors
- Electrical equipment
- Computer equipment
- Manufacturing equipment