- Acoustic, Noise and Vibration
- Silencers
- Mufflers
- Noise Control Enclosures
- Noise Barrier
- Noise Absorption and Reverberation Control
- Acoustic Doors
- Acoustic Windows
- Acoustic Louvers
- Acoustic Cable Boxes
- Acoustic Blankets and Acoustic Pipe Cladding
- Anechoic and Semi Anechoic chambers
- Acoustic Turning Vanes
- Aerodynamic Improvement Products
- Dispersion and Pollution Control Products

For use between rooms, such as office areas, to maintain the partitioning acoustic integrity while allowing circulation of ventilation air between the areas.
VG Engineering provides cross-talk silencers that give excellent sound attenuation and air flow in both directions, in “L”, “Z”, and “U” configurations.
Acoustic media options include wrapped fiber and fibreless configurations to suit customer needs.