VG Engineering Inc. was founded to provide solutions for noise, flow and dispersion problems, serving the requirements of the industrial, power generation and aviation markets. Having worked for many years as specialist engineers in these industries, the company founders formed VG Engineering Inc. to resolve customer issues with practical, cost effective solutions through a combination of high level engineering expertise and the use of leading edge computing technology.
Company engineers and designers are highly qualified and skilled in various disciplines such as aerodynamics, acoustics, structural and mechanical engineering.
Initially the company centered expertise on the analysis, design and engineering of solutions mainly for complicated problems involving flow and acoustical issues.
Shortly after the company also began manufacturing in our dedicated facility in order to provide our custom engineered products to better control quality, cost and the delivery schedules.
Due to the continued company growth manufacturing was relocated to the current facility where the shop size and capabilities continue to increase through investment in equipment and continued recruitment of the best personnel to meet demand for our increasing range of products.
Today our services include:
- Thermal, acoustic, aerodynamic and structural analysis of system performance, for example power plant, wind tunnel and jet engine test cell systems to meet flow quality and noise criteria
- Analysis to optimize flow mixing patterns for water treatment facilities, process fans and pipework systems
- Design and analysis of acoustic doors with blast and fire resistance ratings
- Design of acoustic and flow control equipment for machinery radiated, intake and exhaust noise at power plants and industrial processing facilities
- Analysis and design of pressure vessels, power and process piping to applicable ASME Codes
To broaden our market coverage we are also developing range of standard aero-acoustic products that include acoustic doors and windows, acoustic enclosures, silencers and panel systems, flow conditioning devices such as mixers, ejectors and flow straighteners for industrial applications.
Special Tribute
We would like to pay special tribute to our long-time friend, co-worker, supervisor, mentor and teacher Dr. Donald L. Allen.
Dr. Allen had many professional achievements, like a select number of his peers of his time he was a pioneer in the development and understanding of acoustics and vibration mechanics. He studied for his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto where he continued his association as an Adjunct Professor and Cockburn Associate teaching and training future mechanical engineers that attended the university.
As an Ontario Professional Engineer, Dr. Allen took an active involvement in professional association’s including ASME, EIC, CSME, ASA and INCE. He received a number of awards for his contribution to acoustic and vibration engineering, including the Canadian Silver Jubilee Medal, Gzowski Medal and the Julien C Smith Medal.
Dr. Allen’s career started in the late 50’s predating modern engineering computing that is taken for granted today, so much of the work done in engineering took a high degree of skill, time and laboratory work. As a practical man his work Research and Development resulted in a number of important Patents and Papers that were published to develop an understanding of components and systems to reduce unwanted noise and vibration in structures and equipment, from washing machines to buildings.
Dr. Allen was a gracious, knowledgeable leader and mentor to many engineers including ourselves, assisting our development and understanding in resolving complicated issues and helping make life better and less stressful for people and the environment. Through his encouragement we found the strength and determination to form a company to continue his vision and ability in providing innovative engineered acoustic and vibration solutions.
Founders of VG Engineering Inc.