VG Engineering has an extensive involvement in providing design services together with aerodynamic and acoustic solutions for on and off wing aircraft engine testing.
Experience covers design of test cells for uninstalled jet engine civil and military applications that include high bypass turbo fan, afterburning engines, turbo-shaft and turbo-prop engines.
On the wing test experience includes the design of Ground Run-up Enclosures and Pens for on wing engine running of Civil and Military aircraft.
Engineering services cover analysis and optimization of flow, acoustic, thermal and dispersion issues to provide accurate and repeatable engine test performance.
VG Engineering aero- engine test cell design services include:
- CFD of test cell system aerodynamic and thermodynamic flow
- Acoustic analysis to determine the required noise attenuation and safe test area reverberation characteristics
- Atmospheric air flow and exhaust stack dispersion simulation
- Engine test cell noise control equipment engineering and design
- Engine test cell flow control equipment engineering and design
VG Engineering jet engine test products include:
- Intake Silencer Systems
- Intake Turning Vanes
- Flow Screens
- Enclosure Noise Control
- Acoustic, Fire Resistant and Blast Proof Doors
- Bullet Resistant Observation Windows
- Primary Diffusers / Telescopic Tubes
- Augmentor Tubes
- Secondary Diffusers
- Exhaust Silencer Systems and Noise Control
- Control Room and Auxiliary Equipment Acoustic Enclosures
- Aircraft Ground Run-up Enclosures
Personnel and Company experience includes:
- F-18/F404 Test Facilities including US Navy T-10 Hush Houses and Test Cells
- F-16/ F100/F110 Test Facilities including US Air Force T10 Hush Houses and T-9 Test Cells
- RB199 / Tornado Engine test Facilities
- Rolls Royce T-56, AE 2100, GEM, Gnome
- Pratt & Whitney PT6
- Rolls Royce Turbomeca RTM 322
- Turbomeca Makila
- Ground Run up Enclosures: Boeing 747, Airbus A319/320, Lockheed Martin F-16